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Heat Treatment

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If you’ve dealt with or are currently experiencing a pest infestation, you’ve likely no doubt heard ramblings about heat treatment. This is especially the case for bed bug infestations. Heat treatments have become a widespread and extremely popular solution for treating many common pest infestations. Some pests, especially bed bugs, can be a costly nightmare to fully eliminate from a property. If the infestation is far and wide, it’ll take many treatments and careful evaluations to ensure the problem has been successfully solved.

Any successful pest elimination is going to require a keen eye and dedication. We are more than up for the task, and that’s one of the reasons we’ve recently added heat treatments to our long list of possible pest solutions. There is no denying that heat treatments are effective, and that’s just one of the many reasons they’ve soared in popularity recently. Despite this, there are still tons of information that homeowners don’t know about treating pest infestations with heat. That’s what we are here to clear up.

A Typical Heat Treatment Plan

Most homeowners don’t care about the intimate details of pest control, and this is completely understandable. When dealing with an infestation, like many, you probably just want the problem gone as quickly as possible. Eradicating pests from your home and keeping them away for the foreseeable future is a cooperative endeavor.

There is only so much our teams can do, and once we are gone it’s up to you to take the necessary steps to ensure your home stays pest-free.

Therefore, you’ll only be wiser and more successful when taking the time to learn some of the intimate details of heat treatment.

Once our techs have confirmed the infestation, its severity, location, and you have opted for the heat solution, we’ll schedule a time for the procedure. Residents and pets will need to be evacuated from the property. Our team will start by loading the home and infected rooms down with special heaters. These heaters are designed to raise the temperature in the corresponding rooms to over 140 degrees F.

At this temperature point, most insects are going to perish. All forms of insects from eggs to newly hatched members and fully mature adults will be eradicated when exposed to these temperatures. It simply dries their insides out, forcing their vital organs to shut down. The big thing to consider here is the limitless reach.

That’s one of the most profound things about this treatment. It not only doesn’t require the use of any potentially harmful chemicals and pesticides, but the heat can virtually go anywhere. It can seep into the walls, under the baseboards, behind the cupboards, in your clothes, in the mattress, and virtually anywhere an insect might be hiding. Although there are no harmful chemicals involved with this procedure, it is not worry-free.

Heat-sensitive items or clothing may need to be removed from the area prior to treatment. In addition to this, prolonged exposure to these temperatures would not be good for humans or pets, therefore, the property must be evacuated before treatment begins.

Proper Monitoring Of Required Heat

Just from what little bit you’ve learned, it should be easy to see why heat treatments are becoming a more viable pest solution. Heat treatments are extremely effective, they eliminate all stages of insects, they don’t require the use of dangerous chemicals, and there is very little prep required from the property owner.

However, heat treatments are as only good as the company that administers them. Yes, insects will wither away and die when exposed to temperatures 140 degrees F and over. The only problem is they don’t die instantly. It’s not like steam or cryonite treatments where the bugs die on contact. It takes at least 90 minutes of exposure for the insect’s internal organ to fail to the point of death.

Therefore, eliminating potential exits from the home and proper monitoring of the heat is crucial. This is where our teams excel. In addition to bringing in specialized heaters, we also bring in specialized thermostats to monitor and maintain temperatures. Along with cutting off all potential exits from the treated room or home, we’ll closely monitor the machines to ensure they deliver a steady, constant 140 degrees F of heat.

Sustaining extremely high temperatures consistently without fluctuations is key to successful heat treatment. Give us a call to learn more or schedule your free consultation.

If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.

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