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Conventional Treatment

Conventional TreatmentAs technology continues to grow at alarming rates, it has a profound impact on many aspects of our everyday lives. This is especially true for us here in the pest industry. With that in mind, the common theme that one tends to see with this ever-evolving technology is out with the old and in with the new. It only makes sense to replace the old, broken down with the new, more advanced, right?

Of course, it does, but at the rate at which technology is growing, many old replaceable things aren’t that old age-wise. Computers and cell phones would be the perfect examples. What’s the real need for a new model every 6 months other than the new look and maybe a few more camera settings? Being in the pest industry, we are more than open and accepting of these new technologies because it has opened many doors for us.

It has, in many aspects, allowed us to serve our community better and more efficiently. That said, we do feel as if older conventional methods have gotten a bad rap. We’ll be the first to tell you that the pest industry was in dire need of greener, more eco-friendly solutions. And that’s one thing technology has certainly afforded us.

Insecticides and pesticides used to treat infestations are no doubt harmful to the environment and dangerous in the wrong hands. However, their efficiency and affordability simply cannot be overlooked, and that’s why we will continue to offer them. In many instances, they are the more practical means to an end.

More advanced treatments can be much more costly and time-consuming. Therefore, whenever a solution calls for it, we’ll offer conventional treatment options. As was stated above, conventional treatments have started to be viewed in a negative light in the pest community. Not only because they can be harmful, but because of their ever-increasing ineffectiveness.

You’ve probably heard pest specialists say that pesticides and insecticides aren’t as effective as they used to be. As a pest specialist of many years, we can tell you that this is a half-true statement. One needs to have all the facts. The reason commonly used eradication chemicals aren’t considered as effective anymore is simply because they aren’t being used right. A recent study from the vaunted University of Purdue proved this so.

In several controlled studies, scientists discovered that commonly used chemicals to treat pest infestations can be effective when applied multiple times, with a considerable time between the visits. Therefore, we’ve altered our conventional treatment protocols. If one decides on conventional treatment options with our company, you essentially get three visits. Here’s what you might be able to expect from a conventional treatment plan.

  • Our tech arrives at the come to evaluate the proper and make a confirmation of a pest infestation along with the type and severity
  • Once you select a treatment plan, we’ll schedule a time to come back out and apply the means
  • After several weeks, based on your timetable, we’ll come back out and inspect and apply another round of chemicals
  • Several more weeks after that, you’ll get the last confirmation visit where our techs make their final evaluations. If the area is clear, we’ll discuss preventive options. If there are still signs of a presence, we’ll proceed with more treatments

All in all, it comes down to ensuring that your problem has successfully been dealt with. We are not or have we ever been in the business of letting our customers hang out to dry. As an extra measure, we have started offering follow-up visits with all our treatment plans. This is where we’ll send out a tech for an additional and final visit to scan over the area to ensure the infestation has successfully been cleared.

Chemical treatments are a more suitable option when an infestation is small and confined. The trick is to find and eliminate the problem before it grows into a full-blown epidemic. Give us a call today to schedule your free consultation.

If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.

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